Our Blog

Year-end insurance reminder from Dr. Warren

September 12th, 2011

Happy Monday! Dr. Warren and our team at Impressions Dental would like to give those patients with flex spend, health savings, or insurance benefits a friendly end of the year reminder that it’s high time to schedule your dental visit so that you may optimize your benefits.

Please call our Nassau dental office at your convenience to make an appointment. If you have used all your insurance benefits or do not have dental insurance at this time, we will create a plan to help you achieve your dental needs. Space is limited and we tend to get busy around holiday season, so don’t wait to give us a call! We want you to have the best dental care and the healthiest teeth while getting the most out of your insurance benefits.

See you soon!

20 things that can ruin your smile, from Impressions Dental

September 6th, 2011

At Impressions Dental, we know your smile is important. And we know you want to keep it sparkling and looking its very best. Recently, we came across an article that suggests at least 20 things can ruin that perfect smile you have.

These include:

- Sports drinks
- Bottled water
- Tobacco
- Wine
- Soft drinks
- Citrus and acidic foods

Dr. Annette Warren and our team encourage you to read the rest of the article and ask us here on our blog or during your next visit to our convenient Nassau office. For more tips or for general questions about your ongoing dental treatment, we invite you to ask us during your next visit! We also invite you to ask us on Facebook!

The Go-To Mom Talks Invisalign

August 28th, 2011

Our team at Impressions Dental found a great video that discusses the advantages of Invisalign. In the video, Kimberley Clayton Blaine, "The Go-To Mom," discusses the Invisalign and Invisalign Teen treatment and her personal experience with Invisalign.

To determine if Invisalign is right for you, schedule a consultation with Dr. Annette Warren. Have a great weekend!

Ask Dr. Warren: What’s the deal with coffee and tea?

August 22nd, 2011

At Impressions Dental, we know most folks enjoy a hot-brewed coffee or tea in the morning, followed by a cola (or more coffee) in the afternoon. But what many don’t know is that both coffee and tea are especially tough on your teeth, because tannic acid (the substance that makes the dark color) etches into the pits and grooves of tooth enamel, and can stain your pearly whites brown.

So, if you can't give up that morning cup o’joe, what can you do? Dr. Annette Warren and team suggest rinsing with a glass of water after every cup. If you enjoy iced coffee or tea, drink your beverage with a straw so that tannins don’t make contact with your front upper and lower teeth. Even if you’re not a big coffee drinker, we encourage you to swish and swallow some water at the end of each meal. Water, after all, helps neutralize acids left in your mouth after eating and also reduces cavity-causing bacteria.

Dr. Warren and our staff also invite you to visit our convenient Nassau office for whitening options. We can help bleach your teeth with proven and professional products. To learn more about whitening options at our office, please visit our website, ask us on Facebook or give us a call!

American Dental AssociationAmerican Academy Of Cosmetic Dentistry